The Biggest Workout Mistakes That Are Sabotaging Your Muscle Gains

Are you frustrated with your lack of muscle growth? Are you doing everything “right” but still not making the progress you want? If so, you may be making one of these common mistakes. Read on to find out what they are and how to correct them. To get the desired results with your workout routine, read this Crazy Bulk Review and find the right supplement that improves your overall health to attain a perfect physique.

Constantly Training in the Same Repetition Range

If you’re stuck in the same rep range (ex., 8-12 repetitions per set) your body will eventually adapt and stop making progress. To build muscle, you must vary your workout routine and reps every few weeks. Try increasing the weight and decreasing reps for a few weeks, then switch up to higher reps and lighter weights the next. Also, consider changing your exercises every few weeks to keep your body guessing and maximize muscle gains.

Neglecting Important Muscle Groups

It’s easy to focus on “mirror muscles” like the chest, arms, and shoulders, but neglecting other essential muscle groups can be a huge mistake. Don’t forget about your back, glutes, hamstrings, and even calves. These muscles should always be included in your workout routine for balance, symmetry, and overall health.

Having Insufficient Volume


Simply going through the motions won’t do much for your muscle gains. You must challenge yourself and increase your volume to make progress. Ensure you’re doing enough sets and reps for each exercise, resting adequately between groups, and pushing yourself to lift heavier weights. In addition, aim to progress in each workout by adding more weight or reps. Remember, you won’t make progress if you’re not challenging yourself and increasing your volume.

Not Getting Enough Rest

If you’re not getting enough rest between workouts, it can become difficult to progress and build muscle. Make sure you allow your body sufficient time to recover to achieve the best results. A good rule of thumb is to take Wednesday off if you work out with weights on Monday and Tuesday. This will give your muscles ample time to repair and grow.

As you can see, many common mistakes can sabotage your muscle growth. To get the most out of your workouts, make sure you avoid these five workout blunders: constantly training in the same repetition range, neglecting essential muscle groups, having a volume that isn’t sufficient, and not getting enough rest. With a little focus and dedication to your routine, you can start making the progress you’ve been wanting. Good luck.